Musical Instruments
There are different musical instruments such as, Khuang-a drum, Jamluang-a large brass gong, Dar-ribu-a set of small brass cymbal, Rosem-a mouth organ, which is somewhat like a bagpipe or a snake charmer’s flute, Theile- a small bamboo flute. Tringtrang-a guitar with two strings made from bamboo or a dry gourd. The modern day guitar is called Perkhuang, Seranda-similar to a modern day violin made out of dry hollow gourd. It has generally three strings or thin cord with a bow made out of palm hair. Theiphit-a tiny bamboo blow pipe. A simple stalk of bamboo with one end opened for blowing. Chongpereng-similar to Mandolin, it is generally played while camping in the jhum (Shifting cultivation) hut.