

In marriage alliances a Biate is not restricted to any particular clan or sub-clan. Intermarriage may take place within the clan or the sub-clans; preference is given to get married to other sub-clan of the tribe. A Biate can marry any woman but must avoid blood relations. The marriageable age for the male and female are 21 and 18 years respectively. If the boy is willing to marry a girl, a negotiator (Palai), usually the boy’s relative is sent to negotiate with the girl’s parents. This is called ‘Ibiak’ which is basically an engagement. If negotiation is done then both the parents fixed the time for marriage and after getting married, at the same night the bride price is handed over to the girl parents which amounts to INR 185.00, along with a copper plate called Mairang. According to the tradition the groom is to stay for 7 years in his father-in-laws house to assist them in every work of life. Now-a-days, it has been reduced to 3 years; however, this type of customary law is hardly used by the community. It better goes with mutual understanding of both sides of the parents. Divorce is rare, as they reason divorce as adultery, cruelty, barrenness, maladjustment, impotence and insanity.....